cool brennan manning poem/quote…
February 4, 2010, 9:07 pm
Filed under: Stuff | Tags:

i’m brennan. i’m an alcoholic.
how i got there, why i left there, why i went back, is the story of my life.
but it is not the whole story.

i’m brennan. i’m a catholic.
how i got there, why i left there, why i went back, is also the story of my life.
but it is not the whole story.

i’m brennan. i was a priest, but am no longer a priest. i was a married man but am no longer a married man.
how i got to those places, why i left those places, is the story of my life too.
but it is not the whole story.

i’m brennan. i’m a sinner, saved by grace.
that is the larger and more important story.
only God, in his fury, knows the whole of it.

and this is just in the introduction to this book. i think it might be a good  one.